Reasons to Split Up a Loved One’s Remains

More often than not, families will choose to place all of their loved one’s remains into a single urn following their cremation services in Clearwater, FL. But if your family would like, you’ll also have the option to divide a loved one’s remains up and put them into separate urns. There are many reasons why you might want to take this approach to dealing with a loved one’s remains. Learn about some of the top reasons to split up a loved one’s remains below.
To let a handful of your family members hang onto your loved one’s remains
If your family puts all your loved one’s remains into one urn following their Clearwater, FL cremation, only one of your family members will be able to keep the remains at a time. But if you spread the remains out over several urns, it’ll give a bunch of your family members an opportunity to hold onto your loved one’s remains. If you have a big family, this might be a much better option for you since it’ll prevent you from having to pick just one family member to keep a loved one’s remains.
To allow your family members to do different things with your loved one’s remains
When you split a loved one’s remains up and place them into multiple urns, your family members might decide to take all of these urns home with them. But they will also have the chance to do other things with the urns if they would like. For instance, they can take their portion of your loved one’s remains and bury them in a cemetery if they want. They can also take their portion of the remains and scatter them in a special place. The decision will be theirs to make.
To ensure that at least some of your loved one’s remains stay safe
If your family sticks all your loved one’s remains into just one urn, it’ll increase the chances of something potentially happening to the remains down the line. They might get destroyed or lost and leave your family without any of your loved one’s remains. But when you spread the remains out in several urns, you’ll be able to pretty much guarantee that you’ll always have some of the remains around. You’ll like knowing that you won’t have to worry about all the remains going missing at one time.

To avoid arguments over your loved one’s remains among your family members
In a perfect world, you and your fellow family members would all agree on what you would like to do with a loved one’s remains. But this might not be the case for some families. They aren’t going to be able to get on the same page and decide what they want to do with a loved one’s remains. You can avoid arguments among your family members by giving each of them their own portion of your loved one’s remains. They can then choose what they want to do with them from there. It’ll help your family steer clear of unnecessary arguments during what will already be a tough time for you.
Regardless of whether families want to split up their loved one’s remains or keep them all together, we can provide them with the services they’ll need to plan Clearwater, FL cremations. Contact us today to find out how we can assist your family throughout the cremation planning process.