Types of Cremations in St. Petersburg, FL
Best Care Cremation is a warmhearted cremation service provider in St. Petersburg, FL. We are a client-centric, locally owned and independently operated, cremation service. We are proud to offer a variety of cremation plans throughout the community. Our expert staff is trained and licensed to assist you with every detail by phone, in your home, at our office, or by video conference. Call us today for your cremation needs at 727-500-1707 or visit us at 15381 Roosevelt Blvd Clearwater, FL 33760.
Cremations can be arranged with a personal touch that honors the dead and supports the bereaved. Affordable options are expanding for cremations in St. Petersburg, FL, through Best Care Cremation services. These differing types of services help to meet the unique needs of our clients and their families while keeping costs minimal.
A direct cremation (often called a “simple cremation”) refers to cremation services that do not include public honoring ceremonies. For very private individuals, this is often a preferred choice. It can be essential to remember that grieving loved ones may benefit from holding even a tiny remembrance service, though they need not do so in a public way. That is why we offer direct cremation with a brief goodbye. This service is limited to 5 attendees and can be up to 20 minutes long.
Others will choose to hold a memorial service with the cremation. This provides a gathering opportunity for loved ones and dear friends to comfort each other and honor the departed. Without needing to have the body physically present, this service can be held soon after the death or even months in the future.
Many people are pleasantly surprised to learn that cremation does not exclude the possibility of a full funeral service. There are several ways to handle this. The body can be embalmed, and a funeral wake can be held before the actual funeral service. If this occurs, the body is laid within a clean rental casket. After the funeral, the body is taken to the crematorium rather than a cemetery.
The industry experts at Best Care Cremation can assist with any of these options you deem to be appropriate. Staff is hired not only because they are licensed and trained in these processes but also because they have the qualities of respect, compassion, and are detail-oriented in their work. Caring for the deceased is a work of great importance. Caring for those who are grieving such a significant loss is equally important to us.
The Secure Process for Cremations in St. Petersburg, FL
Services for cremations are regulated by law. There are certain things that cannot be performed in any other manner than those set forth. One example of this is the number of individuals who can be cremated at a time in one chamber. The answer is (as you might hope) only one deceased person may be cremated in the chamber at any given time. Our facility has taken steps to ensure that this process is very secure and safeguards against human error.
In general, cremation is performed following these steps, though differing facilities may have slight adjustments to the process.
- The appropriate paperwork, permits, and waiting periods are fulfilled.
- Strict identification protocols ensure the right person is being cremated at the right time.
- The body is placed in a cremation receptacle for privacy as it is being handled.
- The receptacle containing the body is carefully put into the cremation furnace chamber.
- After securely locking the chamber, extreme heat is turned up.
- All of the contents within the chamber are consumed within a few hours.
- After cooling, magnets scan the remaining elements to collect any foreign metal hardware that may have been left in the body.
- All residual particles and bone fragments are collected and processed for consistency in texture.
- These “cremains” or “ashes” are containerized and returned to the family or next of kin.
Memorializing Cremated Remains
After cremations in St. Petersburg, FL, it is vital to consider what you want to do with the cremains. Fortunately, there are many options, including some very creative ones. Here are a few:
- Scattered Ashes: A favored natural setting, a cremation garden at a local cemetery, or another special place might all have appeal. For public or private property, you need to have permission and understand any rules for this procedure. Think about who will want to attend the scattering ceremony and if all will be able to access the place.
- Urns: A container that is designed to hold the cremated remains securely is called an urn. Multiple urns may be ordered if the final remains will be split between more than one location.
- Cremation Jewelry: These customizable jewelry accessories have secure compartments to hold a small amount of cremains. Having this small memento can bring comfort and a sense of being close to the loved one who has passed away.
- Buried Ashes: Ashes can also be buried in most cemeteries.
- Unusual Solutions: Final cremated remains could be buried with a long-term planting such as a tree. Water monuments created with cremains and cement can act as a “coral reef.” We’ve even heard of fireworks that have been packaged along with cremains to be launched for a celebration to remember.
It's no surprise that Americans are increasingly choosing to be cremated, with nearly half the country going this route. In 1960 only 3.5% of people in America had chosen it as their end-of life wish compared to today when over 70%.
Why Choose Cremation Over Burial?
Cremation is a less expensive alternative to burial. Of course, costs will highly depend on whether you choose to hold an event for yourself or your loved one--a cremation ceremony can still be held in conjunction with any kind of religious or secular observance that suits your taste and beliefs!
Flexible Service Options
Funerals are a traditional way to celebrate the life of someone who has passed away. The process usually begins with embalming, which temporarily slows down decomposition so family members can arrange for burial services within ten days at most- though in some cases it may be longer if there's no funeral home available or time is needed to make preparations beforehand.
People are adapting to the change in funeral trends. More and more people these days, especially those living outside of traditional religious communities like Catholics or Jews for instance find themselves without peers who share their same faith; some even say that they don't want any religious ceremony at all! However you look at it - secularization has caused an increased demand on customized final arrangements which cremation allows because of this variety (including urns with different engravings).
Planning a funeral is not an easy process, and you can avoid all that trouble by opting for cremation instead.
Cremation is better because it’s much more efficient. If you ask most people why, the answer would be that cremating someone just eliminates their need for all these arrangements and files to sign-it's quicker than traditional burials or funeral services!
Learn More
When planning for cremations in St. Petersburg, FL, please come see us at Best Care Cremation 15381 Roosevelt Blvd, Clearwater, FL 33760. We welcome your call to answer any of your questions at 727-500-1707.
Cremations FAQ’s
Can you have a cremation without service?
Cremation without a funeral service, also known as direct cremation There are no formal services involved with direct cremation. Without embalming, viewing, or visiting, the body is incinerated immediately after death.
What happens at a cremation service?
The relatives will usually follow the casket into the venue and take a seat at the front. The cremation service will be led by an officiant and will often include readings, eulogies, and music. The family can choose which of these to use. It is at this point that the casket is removed to be burned.
Why do funerals have open caskets?
A coffin that is not closed let us all say our goodbyes. Some people find closure with the departed to be reassuring. An open casket allows relatives and friends to kiss or hug the deceased one final time before they are buried. If they have any last ideas, they can express them loudly.